Keep Your Furry Friends Safe this Howl-O-Ween!


Imagine how scary Halloween would be if you didn’t know what was going on or why. Scary noises, flashing lights, and spooky costumes can make for a terrible night if you’re a dog or a cat on Halloween.

Here are a few tips to help alleviate their anxiety and ensure their safety throughout the festivities:

  1. Keep anxious pups and cats in a safe quiet room during Halloween parties and during trick or treating hours. It’s not uncommon for accidental bites or excited jumping to cause injury to both trick or treaters and owners.

  2. If your dog or cat is particularly sensitive to the doorbell sitting outside to greet trick or treaters is a great way to reduce your pet’s stress.

  3. Halloween costumes for pups and kitties can be lots of fun, but an ill-fitting costume is no fun for anyone (four legged or not). Avoid costumes that are too snug or too loose. Anything that restricts mobility or impairs the senses (sight, hearing) should also be avoided.

  4. No chocolate, raisins, grapes, xylitol (an artificial sweetener contained in gum and other candies), macadamia nuts, or adult beverages!

  5. Strobe lights, fog machines, automated ghosts and ghouls, and other sensory spook inducing special affects should be limited to people only areas. Your dog and cat will likely be confused and stressed by the festive atmosphere.

  6. Glow sticks and other non-pet related glow in the dark materials should be kept away from animals that chew, especially those that chew when they’re anxious. Ingestion of glow liquid can cause adverse side effects if ingested.

  7. If you know you’ll need a calming aid like Feliway, Zylkene, or Composure make sure to have it on hand and give it to your pet before they get worked up. Call your pet’s veterinarian, plan ahead and make sure you have enough medication to alleviate symptoms.

  8. Make sure your pet’s ID tags / collars are on, visible, and legible in the event that they get lost or door dash you’ll want to ensure their safe return. Remember even an indoor cat if scared can make a break for the door if they feel threatened.

  9. Keep outdoor pets inside the night before and the night of Halloween. Not only will there be lots of people around the neighborhood, but Halloween decor makes for a treacherous terrain for outdoor kitties to explore.

  10. Keep pets away from open flames! Whether it’s a seasonal bonfire or a pumpkin with a small tea light burning, open flames should always be monitored when pets are around.


Have a wonderful and safe Halloween with your furry family members!

from your friends at the Animal Wellness Center of Athens

Animal Wellness Center of Athens

The Animal Wellness Center of Athens is located in Athens, GA

Pet Pictures with Santa 2016


Don’t Get Rattled in Athens Georgia